Announcement Archive
All announcements from October 2021 onwards can be accessed in this archive. Please use the Search and Filter views to narrow your selection. All dates shown relate to the original Publishing Date.
A maximum of 15 announcements are shown in the list by default, but you can use the 'Load More' button to reveal additional posts.
For this weeks' announcements please use the Latest Announcements page.
- Upcoming Event
Purchase tickets to attend the Homecoming Dance at Edina High School Activity Center here.
- Upcoming Event
Purchase Homecoming Football game tickets here.
- General Announcement
The Activities Department is excited to bring back Intramural Soccer for the 2021 school-year. What’s Intramural Soccer you ask? This is an organized time for students to play Soccer after school without the pressure of multiple practices or games each week.
- General Announcement
Athletic event tickets for the 2021-22 school year can be purchased through the EHS Events Landing Page.